LV. 42
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【情報】羅素兄弟確定執導復仇者聯盟5、6 小勞勃道尼回歸漫威飾演末日博士 37樓有驚奇4超人片段

樓主 團子_光美一生推 andyson80408
The next 2 Avengers movies:
The Russo Brothers return to direct Marvel Studios’ Avengers: Doomsday, starring Robert Downey Jr. as Doctor Doom. Only in theaters May 2026.

The Russo Brothers return to direct Marvel Studios’ Avengers: Secret Wars. Only in theaters May 2027.

“New mask, same task.”

Robert Downey Jr. surprises Hall H to announce his return to the MCU as Doctor Doom.


Fantastic Four will appear in both films


“If we’re going to bring Victor Von Doom to the screen, he is one of the most complex characters to the screen,” says Joe Russo, “we’re going to need the greatest actor in the world to play that character.”

It’s Victor Von Doom