圖示 |
成就名稱 |
成就描述 |
成就分數 |
The Guild Seal (公會印記) |
Unleash your heroic potential (釋放你的英雄潛質) |
10 |
And So It Begins (因此而開始) |
Win the support of the Dwellers (贏得Dwellers的支持) |
20 |
Swift Justice (Swift的正義) |
Win the support of the Swift Brigade (贏得Swift Brigade的支持) |
20 |
The Resistance (反抗) |
Win the support of Bowerstone (贏得Bowerstone的支持) |
50 |
Distant Friends (遙遠的朋友) |
Win the support of Aurora (贏得Aurora的支持) |
20 |
The Ruler of Albion (阿爾比恩的統治者) |
Become the ruler of Albion. (成為阿爾比恩的統治者) |
80 |
For Albion! (為了阿爾比恩!) |
This is where you *spoiler* the great, big *spoiler* and then it all *spoiler*. (這就是你超棒、超大、所有的劇情透露!) |
80 |
Save The Princess! (拯救公主!) |
Rescue the princess from the evil Baron. (從邪惡Baron那裡救回公主) |
10 |
Ghost Brothers (鬼兄弟們) |
Make sure Max and Sam get home in time for tea. (確認Max和Sam能準時回家喝茶) |
10 |
Tragical-Comical-Historical (悲劇-滑稽-歷史) |
Help the celebrated thespians Lambert and Pinch put on the world's greatest (幫助影帝Lambert和Pinch順利演出世界最偉大的喜劇) |
10 |
The Dark Sanctum (黑暗聖域) |
Reinstate an ancient, evil temple (恢復一個古老、邪惡的祭殿) |
10 |
Island Paradise (海島樂園) |
Establish the island of Driftwood. (建立一座Driftwood之島) |
10 |
Knight Jumps Chesty (騎士跳躍Chesty) |
Defeat Chesty at his own game. (在Chesty的遊戲中擊敗他) |
10 |
Coronation Chicken (加冕的雞) |
Perform a royal judgement while dressed as a chicken. (穿著一付雞樣時使用忠誠評價的功能) |
10 |
Spellweaver (咒文編織者) |
Combine two gauntlets to cast a "woven" spell. (用兩個護手組合出法術「Woven」) |
5 |
Archmage (大魔導士) |
Cast all 15 possible spell combinations. (施展出15種可能的法術組合) |
20 |
Total Warrior (全能戰士) |
Kill enemies with melee, ranged and spell attacks. (使用肉搏、遠距和法術攻擊敵人) |
10 |
Pull! (推!) |
Send an enemy flying into the air and kill him while he's airborne. (把敵人擊飛到空中,在落地前解決他) |
10 |
Gunning For Glory (為了榮耀射擊) |
Kill 500 enemies using firearms. (用火槍解決500名敵人) |
20 |
If It Bleeds, We Can Kill It (假如他滿身是血,我們就能宰了他) |
Kill 500 enemies using melee weapons. (用肉搏武器解決500名敵人) |
20 |
Wizard's Revenge (巫師的復仇) |
Kill 500 enemies using magic. (使用魔法解決500名敵人) |
20 |
Super Hero (超級英雄) |
Fully upgrade your Melee, Ranged, and Magic abilities on the Road to Rule. (在「統治之路」中完全升級所有的肉搏、遠距與魔法技能) |
50 |
You Can't Bring Me Down (你無法打倒我) |
Complete Fable III without being knocked out in combat. (在「戰鬥中不被擊倒」的條件下完成遊戲) |
50 |
My Weapon's Better Than Yours (我的傢伙比你的還棒) |
Complete 3 unique upgrades on one of the legendary weapons found around Albion. (在阿爾比恩找到並完成三把傳說武器的升級) |
25 |
I Am The Keymaster (我是鑰匙達人) |
Collect all 50 Silver Keys and 4 Gold Keys. (蒐集所有50把銀鑰匙 & 4把金鑰匙) |
30 |
Flower Power (花的力量) |
Collect all 30 Auroran flowers. (蒐集到所有的Auroran花朵) |
30 |
Gnome Invasion (Gnome侵略者) |
Destroy all 50 gnomes. (毀滅所有50個Gnone) |
30 |
Brightwall Book Club (Brightwall書迷俱樂部) |
Collect all 30 rare books for the Brightwall Academy. (蒐集到所有30本Brightwall書藉) |
30 |
Digger (挖掘者) |
Dig up 50 items. (挖出50個道具) |
15 |
We Need Guns, Lots Of Guns (我們需要槍,更多的槍) |
Collect all 50 legendary weapons. They won’t all appear in your world, so trade with other Heroes! (蒐集所有50把傳說武器,這些武器並不會全部出現在你的世界中,你必須和其他的英雄進行交易!) |
20 |
Fashion Victim (潮流受害者) |
Collect every item of clothing. (蒐集到所有的服飾類道具) |
20 |
He's a Woman. She's a Man (他是一個女人,她是一個男人) |
Wear a full set of clothing intended for the opposite sex. (穿著全套服飾來吸引異性) |
5 |
Dye Hippie, Dye (染料嬉皮,染料) |
Dye each part of an outfit you're wearing a different colour and have long hair. (為你身上每一件服裝進行染上不同色,同時留長髮造型) |
5 |
Hand in Hand (手中的手) |
Hold hands with someone. (和某人牽手) |
5 |
Long Distance Relationship (遠距離關係) |
Get married to another Xbox LIVE player. (與Xbox Live上的玩家結婚) |
10 |
Cross-Dimensional Conception (交錯次元概念) |
Have a child with another Xbox LIVE player. (和另一個Xbox Live玩家生下一個小孩) |
10 |
Online Merger (線上合併) |
Enter into a business partnership with another Xbox LIVE player. (和另一個Xbox Live上的玩家建立生意伙伴的關係) |
10 |
Barrel of Laughs (笑鬧的桶子) |
Kill 30 enemies with explosive barrels. (使用爆炸桶解決30名敵人) |
10 |
We Can Be Heroes (我們可以成為英雄) |
Earn 1,000 gold in henchman wages in another Hero's world. (在其他玩家的世界的Henchman wage裡賺1000金) |
10 |
Kaboom! (咔碰!) |
Score 2000 on the Mourningwood Fort mortar game. (在Mourningwood Fort的炮擊遊戲中得到2000分) |
10 |
Lute Hero Tour (魯特琴英雄的旅行) |
Play in each town as a 5 star lute player. (在每一個城鎮表演魯特琴皆達到5星評價) |
10 |
Touched By A Hero (一個英雄的接觸) |
Use touch expressions to interact with 20 different people. (使用「接觸表達」和20個不同的人互動。 |
10 |
Popularity Contest (人氣競賽) |
Make 20 Friends. (交到20個朋友) |
15 |
Remodelling (改建中) |
Remodel 5 different houses by changing the furniture. (改變5個不同的房子的傢俱配置) |
10 |
Magnate Personality (權貴人格) |
Build a property empire worth 2,000,000 gold. (建造一個價值超過200萬金的帝國) |
50 |
Crime Spree (罪惡狂歡) |
Get a 15,000 gold bounty placed on your head. (懸賞自己人頭的獎金達到15000金) |
10 |
Henry VIII (亨利八世) |
As ruler of Albion, get married 6 times and kill 2 of your spouses. (成為阿爾比恩的統治者、結六次婚同時殺掉其中兩任配偶) |
10 |
Chest Grandmaster (開箱大師) |
Unlock all of the chests on the Road To Rule. (開啟所有在「統治之路」上的箱子) |
40 |
Tough Love (堅韌的愛) |
Save the maximum amount of Albion citizens. (救援所有的阿爾比恩市民) |
10 |
Adopt Or Die (領養或是死) |
Adopt a child. (領養一名小孩) |
5 |