Alex Details
V-Skill: Overhaul
Alex stretches and gets ready to hit extra hard. After doing this, Alex's next move will damage the opponent as if it were a counter hit. If the attack misses or gets blocked, the effect vanishes.
V-Trigger: Rage Shift
Alex lets loose with a clothesline attack. The attack can be charged, and allows parrying of one attack during its charge time. If fully charged, Alex will break the guard of a blocking opponent, allowing for a followup attack.
Critical Art: Heavy Hammer
Alex hits the opponent with a very powerful chop that knocks them around. He then grabs them and holds them up high in a crucifix hold, and then drops them down to the ground with intense speed.
V Skill: ALEX會強化且準備好非常用力的一擊; ALEX使用後, 下一個動作將會對對手造成counter hit, 但如果揮空, 被防禦或被格擋, 效果即消失
V trigger: ALEX施展金臂勾; 此技能能夠按住蓄力, 且在蓄力期間具有迴避一次打擊判定(我認為應該是防禦打擊效果, 就像MIKA的麥克風那樣), 若蓄滿力則可以造成對手崩防且可以追擊
CA: ALEX使出連續強力橫劈於對手後, 抓起對手並由高處以倒十字方式高速落下(感覺像是33的SA2前段加上SA1深水炸彈改版)
猜測33的突進肘擊, 劈手刀, 半圈摔, 特殊技4HP頭錘應該都會在
蠻期待的, 當年33這隻對道服系來說是噩夢的對決, 後來也有陣子練了來玩