The following interviews with various citizens of Bright Falls were conducted by Agent Nightingale over the course of three or four days. Nightingale recorded each of them on microcassette and I have transcribed them myself. It has been a painstaking process, as the sound quality on some of them is very poor.
接下來的幾段面談資料,是由Nightingale探員花了三、四天所採訪的資料,而受訪人員是幾位當地Bright Falls居民。Nightingale用了一個小型的錄音磁帶記錄了每位受訪內容,但是因為有些錄音品質很糟,我很難聽的清楚內容,所以我自己把這些資料重新整理過。
Some of the interviews were more successful than others, yet all show a reticence to speak about the town. All are included here, however, to form a more complete picture of characters and events. Most of them present Agent Nightingale in a very poor light and I admit I considered leaving these out altogether. I have a great deal of respect for him and believe they don't paint a complete picture of this deeply conflicted man. In the interests of honesty, I decided to include each one of them. I implore the reader to bear in mind that this is a man under tremendous pressure.
I believe that, taken as a whole, these interviews reveal something of the tapestry of the town. And that tapestry cannot help but have an impact on the writer who was caught up in it, for better or worse.
我認為這些較無用的面談資訊只實描寫出鎮上的概況,雖然幫不上什麼大忙,但確引響到被此鎮引誘而來的作家,或許能往好的方面發展,但相對的也可能更糟。(這段較難理解,可能要玩過game的人才知道為什麼作家會被引誘來到此地-Bright Falls。創作者的難關作者-哈特曼在Bright Falls為著名的寫作瓶頸精神科醫生,在這風光明媚的地方正是這些作家的療養的好地方。另外,說不定Bright Falls就是被"作家"所寫出來的地方,這是我個人猜測的。)