LV. 12
GP 47

RE:【其他】Alan Wake小說翻譯 12/01更新

樓主 Douglas douglasopo
Day Three, Practically Four
Can't go on like this. Daylight is harsh when there's no sleep.
Saw Lady Diogenes with her lamp in broad daylight. I forget her real name. Got it written somewhere.
在大白天看到那個拿著燈的提奧奇尼斯女人(注1[Blizzard1] 。我忘了她的名字,我記得有寫下來,只不過不知道丟哪去了。
How to get to Wake. Is someone hiding him? Extremism in the cause of sanity is no vice whatever it takes.
Local head shrinker's name keeps coming up: Hartman.

Nightingale's reference to "Lady Diogenes" refers to the Greek philosopher who walked around ancient Athens with a lamp during the day for the stated purpose of "looking for an honest man. "Clearly, he was referring to Cynthia Weaver, a well-know town eccentric who may have been more prescient about the dangers of darkness than anyone could have predicted. Also of note is the mention of Dr. Emil Hartman, who has been unresponsive to my interview requests. Later notes clearly show Nightingale to be suspicious of Hartman's practice at the Cauldron Lake Lodge.
Nightingale所說的提奧奇尼斯女人,指的是位西臘哲學家:這位哲學家在古老的雅典城市裡,在大白天之下,手上拿著燈並尋找著誠實的人。很明顯地,Nightingale說的人應該是指Cynthia Weaver:她是位先知,遠比其他人的預測更準確地查覺危險。在筆記裡有另外提到Dr. Emil Hartman,他在Nightingale的受訪裡,對於被問到的問題,都反應冷淡。接著後面還記錄著Nightingale對於Hartman'sCauldron Lake Lodge(巨釜湖山莊)做的實驗很感興趣。
Day Four
Didn't sleep a wink. Scanner just got weirder through the night.
Wake is one elusive bugger. Is he the only one? Is it him holding up the whole house of cards? What'll happen then I pull?
Wish I could be sure. But not to decided is to decide. Have to do what's necessary when the time comes.
Feels like I'm alone in the wilderness here.
Nightingale's impatience toward the end of these notes is palpable. This is the first instance where he questions Wake's statue as a solitary force. Manifold questions remain, such as why he believed Wake to be such a source of danger. Had Nightingale been drawn to Bright Falls, as I was, by a series dreams and nightmares? I'm completed to think he was acting on harder evidence than was available to me. Could this be the "ongoing investigation" referred to in my FOLA request?
Nightingale的筆記裡,就可以知道他快等到沒耐心了。在這段文字裡,也是他第一次質疑Wake人現在應該正孤軍奮戰著,該去抓他了嗎?Nightingale心裡有想過很多很多問題,為麼他要去抓Wake?而其中一點就是:為什麼他要相信Wake是一個危險人物?難到Nightingale也跟我一樣是因為那一連串的惡夢而來到Bright Falls嗎?我可以十分的確定的是,Nightingale現在正因他找到的證據在行動著,就跟我一樣。
Day Four, Afternoon
A partner isn't like a co-worker, or a friend, or even a brother. He's your guardian, your keeper, your other wife. He keeps you on the dead straight, calls you on everything the others let slide, and he has your back when the shooting starts. That's where I failed finn. I own it to him to keep going even when everything's gone dark. When the craziness back easy started, he couldn't explain it either. That's when he needed me most. But I blew it.
I have to make it right.
This is a rarity: one of the few instances where Nightingale reveals his heart, and consequently, some objective information about his motivations. That he lost a partner in the line of duty has been confirmed by my investigation, but the circumstances around that loss remain murky indeed. Clearly, he holds himself responsible in some fundamental way. Had Nightingale witnessed similar events before? How did these experiences transform him? Again, all we have is supposition and conjecture.