Nightingale's Field Notes
Nightingale's Field Notes
The handwritten notes found among Agent Nightingale's effects form perhaps the most telling document in the collection about his internal struggle as he pursued Alan Wake. The mixture of driving forces creates a maelstrom of turbulence inside a man, not unlike Wake, trying to hold himself together while pursuing a quixotic goal.
在這些文件當中,也許從這本手寫筆記裡,最能讓人了解Nightingale為何追蹤Alan Wake。Nightingale並不像Alan Wake那樣,就算在追尋一個不切實際無法實現的目標時,還能保有自我。他內心充滿著暴動的漩渦並驅使著他。
The notes are presented here in facsimile form to give readers the same sense of physical texture I found when I discovered them. Here Nightingale inadvertently exposes his tortured ambivalence alongside his dogged determination. There ghosts from his past battle with the demons he meets in his present. As for his future, there seems to be nothing brighter than doubt.
It is unclear whether this cache represents the entirety of the notes he book, or simply a portion. They do, however, suggest that Nightingale was at the breaking point, both physically and mentally. Whether the abrupt end of his field notes was the result of sheer exhaustion on the agent's part, or another, more nefarious explanation, I am unable to determine.
註:感謝黑暗之狐的幫忙= =