LV. 13
GP 0

【情報】進擊的巨人 最終章所有OST (BGM) 列表

樓主 cutebae


GP99 BP-
Attack on Titan 進擊的巨人 - The Final Season 完結篇 後篇 - Original Soundtrack

Armin and The Scouts jumping off the plane and onto Eren’s titan (00:00:06 – 00:02:30)

🎶 KOHTA YAMAMOTO – Splinter Wolf

Armin asks « Eren, I have another question for you » (00:02:40 – 00:02:56)

🎶 Hiroyuki Sawano – Army-Attack (also called army⇒G♂)

Start of Chapter III / Armin taken by Okapi titan (00:03:00 – 00:05:14)

🎶 KOHTA YAMAMOTO – Zeek’s Plan

Start of the fight / Pieck gets pierced by Warhammer / Levi solos 4 titans / Mikasa shoots 3 titans (00:05:48 – 00:10:20)

🎶 KOHTA YAMAMOTO – at’aek till we are Ashes

Armin sees Bertholdt / Colossal eats Reiner / Jean and Reiner hanging / Levi saves Conny (00:10:55 – 00:14:02)

🎶 Hiroyuki Sawano – Aots2m #1

Falco’s titan catches Mikasa (00:14:15 – 00:17:54)

🎶 KOHTA YAMAMOTO – Ashes on The Fire – PTV –

Warhammer titans using bows / Reiner fights the Warhammers / Pieck running scene / Levi remembers about Erwin / Okapi titan chase (00:19:22 – 00:25:42)

🎶 Hiroyuki Sawano – The Weight of Lives

Armin’s breakdown / Rumbling baby cliff scene / Armin wakes up in Paths (00:26:25 – 00:29:32)

🎶 KOHTA YAMAMOTO – Guilty Hero

Zeke’s speech about life and Founder Ymir (00:30:34 – 00:33:00)

🎶 Hiroyuki Sawano – 0Sk

Bertholdt and others titans helping / Gaby shoots Okapi / Zeke reappears / Zeke and Armin talking with their past titan holders (00:36:10 – 00:40:50)

🎶 Hiroyuki Sawano – Barrichestra

Levi kills Zeke / The Rumbling stops / Jean explodes Eren’s head / « Sayonara, Eren » (00:40:55 – 00:43:16)

🎶 Hiroyuki Sawano – ətˈæk 0N tάɪtn<TFSv>

Everyone returns to their family after the explosion (00:44:34 – 00:45:25)

🎶 Hiroyuki Sawano - 進撃pf-adlib-c20130218巨人

Eren transforms again / Hallucigenia spreads the gas / Jean and Connie talking (00:45:30 – 00:48:35)

🎶 KOHTA YAMAMOTO – From You, 2000 Years Ago

Everyone turn into mindless titans / Armin vs Eren faceoff (00:49:04 – 00:51:12)


Mikasa’s headache (00:51:13 – 00:51:23)

🎶 Hiroyuki Sawano – APETITAN

Cabin Eren / Armin vs Eren fight / ARIFUMI IMAI LEVI SCENE / Mikasa kills Eren (00:53:33 –  00:55:30)


Mikasa kisses Eren’s head (00:55:52 – 00:56:23)

🎶 Unknown track

Armin and Eren in Paths (00:58:54 – 01:01:01)

🎶 Hiroyuki Sawano – 2An

Eren explains why he killed 80% of humanity (01:03:28 – 01:06:47)

🎶 Hiroyuki Sawano – Aots2m #3

Armin and Eren hug eachother (01:07:18 – 01:08:47)

🎶 Hiroyuki Sawano – Emaymniam

Levi sees the Survey Corps / Levi last Salute / Conny and Jean sees Sacha (01:09:35 – 01:13:18)

🎶 Hiroyuki Sawano – theDOGS

Mikasa sees Founder Ymir / Historia baby / 3 years after the battle (01:14:13 – 01:17:15)

🎶 Hiroyuki Sawano – Ymniam – Orch

Everyone return to a normal life / Levi giving candy (01:18:42 – 01:20:10)

🎶 Hiroyuki Sawano – The Weight of Lives

Mikasa on Eren’s grave / End credits / THE END (01:20:14 – 01:24:45)

🎶 Linked Horizon - Nisennen… Moshiku wa… Nimannen Go no Kimi e…


(以上由youtuber BobDenis整理)

這是我在Youtube看到的曲目整理,分享給大家。最後一集很多歌曲是前幾季從未使用過的OST段落,比如Hiroyuki Sawano – theDOGS只出現在第一季劇場版後編自由之翼的片尾,The Weight of Lives的主旋律也從未在前三季出現過(第一次出現是在S04E26柯尼橋段),Aots2m #1也是第一次使用(barricades的旋律)。

對這集的各種曲目選擇真的是超完美滿意到不行 >0<

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