Hi everyone! We have awesome news. Our next update is almost done! And we'll be uploading it to Google and Apple for approval really soon. The update will contain:
- The Gentlebros costume! Available in the Shop for FREE!
- Increased amount of Free Sweets available for players.
- Lots of bug fixes.
- Optimisations! Now should run even better.
- Control tweaks. Now it should be even more accurate.
- Level and balance tweaks. Smoother difficulty curve.
- Fairer distribution of full screen ads.
- The Gentlebros costume! Available in the Shop for FREE!
- Increased amount of Free Sweets available for players.
- Lots of bug fixes.
- Optimisations! Now should run even better.
- Control tweaks. Now it should be even more accurate.
- Level and balance tweaks. Smoother difficulty curve.
- Fairer distribution of full screen ads.
Watch out for the next update coming really soon! And share the game with your friends!
下次改版更新內容 (近日就會改版)
