Greetings Helldivers, Release Captain Carlberg speaking.
Today is patch day and as such we bring you the latest and greatest from The Ministry of Truth.
Without further ado feast your eyes on our latest changes and fixes.
大家好,絕地戰兵們,Carlberg 發佈艦長(官方人員的自稱)為您介紹更新內容。
Overview 概述
Spray weapons gas effect duration
Emoting while flying or ragdolling
FRV camera and handling tweaks
AX/TX-13 “Guard Dog” Dog Breath rework
Crash Fixes
Weapon Fixes
Stratagem Fixes
Balancing 平衡
- General Changes 總體變化
The duration of the gas status effect from spray weapons has been increased from 6 to 10 sec
Implemented a timer for the Illuminate dropship wreckages to despawn to prevent them from obstructing paths in the colonies
噴射器的毒氣效果持續時間從 6 秒增加到 10 秒。
- Helldiver 絕地戰兵
The Ministry of Humanity has added a clause to its Principles of Correct Posture for Safe Lifting, now allowing Helldivers to jog while carrying two-handed items such as barrels and SEAF Artillery Rounds
人道主義部在其「安全舉重的正確姿勢準則」中增加了一項條款,現在允許戰兵在雙手攜帶諸如炸藥桶和 SEAF砲彈之類的物品時能慢跑。
- FRV 快速偵查載具
Helldivers have now also been authorized to deploy grenades and stratagems while leaning out from the FRV
Tuned FRV handling for a better driving experience when cornering
• 戰兵現在被授權可以在FRV中探出身子,投擲手榴彈和戰備。
• 調整 FRV 操控性,以獲得更好的過彎駕駛體驗。
- Sidearms 副手武器
PLAS-15 忠誠者 (感謝班尼六十六 補充)
Starting magazines increased from 2 to 3
Spare magazines increased from 4 to 5
• 起始彈匣從 2 增加到 3。
• 備用彈匣從4個增加至5個。
- Stratagem Support Weapons 支援戰備武器
TX-41 Sterilizer 滅菌者
Removed the crosshair drift recoil
Decreased the camera climb recoil
The duration of the gas status effect from spray weapons has been increased from 6 to 10 sec
• 移除了瞄準時的十字後座力。
• 降低了鏡頭移動的後座力。
• 毒氣造成的異常狀態效果,持續時間從 6 秒增加到 10 秒。
- Armor Passives 裝甲被動
After hearing player feedback, we have decided not to fix a bug with the Siege Ready Armor Passive which gives more ammo to all magazine-based weapons, instead of just primary weapons as described. We will eventually update the Armory description to reflect this but for now we’re evaluating if it's causing any other additional unforeseen bugs
• 在聽取玩家的建議後,我們決定不修復「圍攻準備完畢」被動的錯誤,該錯誤會為使該被動套用於所有基於彈匣的武器提供更多彈藥,而不僅為被動描述的主要武器。
• 之後會更新修改裝甲被動描述,但目前正在評估該被動是否會導致任何其他非預期的錯誤。
- Backpacks 背包
• AX/TX-13 “Guard Dog” Dog Breath 「護衛犬」腐氣重製
Has been reworked to increase its effectiveness and to ensure it remains distinct, focusing on its unique gas-based mechanics.
It will now preserve ammo by only prioritizing enemies unaffected by the gas status effect. Once an enemy is affected by gas the drone will move on and target another unaffected enemy
The targeting logic has been reworked to prevent the drone from roaming too far. The origin of the targeting will be from the Helldivers position rather than the drone itself
The targeting range has been increased from 10 to 20m
The duration of the gas status effect from spray weapons has been increased from 6 to 10 sec
• 已經重新調整以提高其可靠性,並確保其獨特性,專注於其獨特的氣體機制。
• 現在它將僅優先攻擊未受氣體狀態影響的敵人以節省彈藥,一旦敵方受到毒氣影響,無人機將轉移瞄準另一個未受影響的敵方。
• 重新設計了瞄準邏輯,防止無人機追擊敵人漫遊太遠,瞄準的敵方單位會基於戰兵的位置調整,而不是無人機本身。
• 瞄準範圍從 10 公尺增加至 20 公尺。
• 毒氣造成的異常狀態效果,持續時間從 6 秒增加到 10 秒。
Stratagems 戰略配備
- MD-6 Anti-Personnel Minefield 反步兵雷區
Cooldown decreased from 180 to 120 sec
Damage increased from 350 to 700
The deployment spread of mines has been increased by 20% to minimize the risk of chain explosions
• 冷卻時間從 180 秒減少至 120 秒
• 傷害從 350 增加至 700
• 地雷佈設範圍擴大20%,降低連鎖引爆風險。
- MD-I4 Incendiary Mines 燃燒地雷
Cooldown decreased from 180 to 120 sec
Damage increased from 210 to 300
The deployment spread of mines has been increased by 20% to minimize the risk of chain explosions
• 冷卻時間從 180 秒減少至 120 秒。
• 傷害從 210 增加至 300。
• 地雷佈設範圍擴大20%,降低連鎖引爆風險。
- MD-17 Anti-Tank Mines 反坦克地雷
Cooldown decreased from 180 to 120 sec
• 冷卻時間從 180 秒減少至 120 秒。
- SH-20 Ballistic Shield Backpack 彈道防護罩背包
Now blocks melee attacks until it breaks from taking enough damage
• 現在可阻擋近戰攻擊,直到受到一定傷害後損壞。
Fixes 修復內容
- Resolved Top Priority issues:
You can once again emote while falling or ragdolling! It should no longer reduce fall damage, but you’ll be able to freely express yourself as you fall to your imminent death or severe injuries - Nothing a stim can’t fix!
Fixed Illuminate spawner ship shields not taking impact grenade damage
Fixed an issue with collision gaps inside the Illuminate spawner ship, preventing grenades thrown in close proximity to the door from destroying the ships
Health packs now fully restore all of the Helldiver's stims
High damage weapons will now detonate spawned Hellbombs on the map
- 已解決的最高優先級的問題:
• 您可以再次在跌倒或變成布娃娃碰撞時做出表情動作!做表情動作不再會減少跌倒傷害,但當你跌倒並即將死亡或受重傷時,你將能夠自由地表達自己——沒有什麼是一劑治療針無法解決的!
• 修復了光能者太空船護盾不承受衝擊手榴彈傷害的問題。
• 修復了光能者太空船內部碰撞間隙的問題,解決過於靠近太空船門投擲手榴彈無法摧毀太空船的問題。
• 醫療包(地圖上的醫療補給)現在可以完全恢復絕地戰兵的所有治療針。
• 高傷害武器現在會引爆地圖上生成的絕地彈。
- Crash Fixes, Hangs and Soft-locks:
Fixed a crash that occurred when aborting missions with the Democracy Space Station effects active on them
Fixed a crash that could occur when hot-joining a mission on a planet with the Democracy Space Station present
Fixed a crash caused by quickly switching between different emotes before another client interacted with the emoting player
Reduced the chance for crashes caused by fires
Fixed a rare crash that occurred at the end of the drop-in sequence when hot-joining a game in session
Fixed a crash that occurred when the player returned to the ship while reloading their primary weapon
Fixed a soft-lock during drop-in when the host left or disconnected the session right after loadout
Fixed a crash that occurred when repeatedly changing armor pieces in the armory
Fixed a crash that occurred after finishing the tutorial and after naming your Destroyer
Fixed a crash that occurred during extraction
Fixed a crash that occurred when returning to the ship during heavy projectile fire
Fixed a crash for clients when the host was holding a carryable objective and quit the game
Fixed a crash that could occur when a player left the game when an encounter started
Fixed a crash that could occur when changing text language
Fixed a crash that could occur when reloading the SG-20 Halt
- 遊戲崩潰、卡頓修復:
• 修復了在任務中止時,當民主太空站效果啟用時發生的崩潰問題。
• 修復了在有民主太空站存在的行星上中途加入任務時,可能遊戲崩潰的問題。
• 修復了因其他客戶端與正在使用表情動作的玩家互動之前,快速切換不同表情動作而引起的崩潰問題。
• 降低了可能因火焰導致的遊戲崩潰。
• 修復了在中途加入遊戲時,空降載入狀態中斷時發生的遊戲崩潰問題。
• 修復了玩家在重新裝填主要武器時返回艦船時發生的崩潰問題。
• 修復了在空降期間,當主機玩家在進入武裝配置後立刻離開或斷開連線時發生的遊戲卡死問題。
• 修復了在軍械庫中重複更換裝甲時發生的崩潰問題。
• 修復了在完成教學和命名驅逐艦後發生的崩潰問題。
• 修復了在撤離時發生的崩潰問題。
• 修復了在猛烈砲火射擊期間返回艦船時發生的崩潰問題。
• 修復了當主機玩家持有可攜帶目標並退出遊戲時,客戶端發生的崩潰問題。
• 修復了當玩家在遭遇戰開始時離開遊戲時可能發生的崩潰問題。
• 修復了在變更文字語言時可能發生的崩潰問題。
• 修復了在 SG-20 制止者裝彈時可能發生的崩潰問題。
- Social Issues & Matchmaking
Improved the matchmaking logic to better match players with players from nearby regions
You’ll now be more likely to get matched with the same difficulty lobbies as the one you have currently selected
Fixed an issue where the chat history was cleared when going to a mission and returning from it
- 遊戲社交問題 & 組隊配對
• 改進了配對邏輯,玩家將更容易與鄰近地區的玩家進行配對。
• 現在更容易以目前大廳選擇的相同難度進行快速配對。
• 修復了前往任務並返回船艦時,聊天記錄被清除的問題。
- Weapons and Stratagems
Opening and closing the text chat while in an emplacement now allows the player to remain in the emplacement instead of switching to their weapon
Fixed Arc weapons not reliably hitting the Impaler's tentacles if aimed at the lower parts of the tentacle
The E/AT-12 Anti-Tank Emplacement now has the correct armor penetration tag in the ship menu
Stratagem turrets will no longer target Illuminate Tesla Towers
Fixed a visual bug where heat weapons would show numbers over the progress bar in the weapon wheel menu
Melee weapons should no longer send civilian cars and other objects in the world flying long distances
B-1 Supply Pack will now once again provide stims to other players. Remember Helldiver, sharing is caring!
Fixed a bug where players could get stuck in the E/AT-12 Anti-Tank Emplacement after depleting all of its ammunition
- 武器與戰略配備
• 現在可以在武裝佈置中開啟和關閉文字聊天,而不是切換到選定武器與戰備。
• 修復了電弧武器如果瞄準觸手下緣,無法可靠擊中穿刺者觸手的問題。
• E/AT-12 反坦克炮台現在在艦船選單中顯示正確的裝甲穿透等級。
• 哨塔戰備的將不再瞄光能者特斯拉塔。
• 修復了能量武器在左下武器UI中的視覺錯誤。
• 近戰武器無法再將民用車和其他物體擊飛。
• B-1 補給背包現在將再次為其他玩家提供治療針。記住,絕地戰兵,分享就是關懷!
• 修復了玩家在耗盡 E/AT-12 反坦克炮台的所有彈藥後可能被卡在炮台上的問題。
Following an investigation into the effects of severe survivorship bias during FRV Impact Testing, all FRVs have been reinforced.
Minor parking mishaps will no longer result in catastrophic FRV explosions
General improvements to the FRV camera to make it look cooler and prevent it from getting stuck underground when driving downhill.
Absolute cinema!
Reduced the chance FRVs get dropped on rooftops when being called in
The FRV movement key bindings should now accept non-QWERTY keyboard inputs
Fixed a bug where some enemies such as the Brood Commander was launched away further than intended when hit by the FRV
- FRV 快速偵查載具
• 在調查 FRV 撞擊測試期間嚴重倖存者偏差的影響之後,所有 FRV 都得到了加固。
• 輕微的停車失誤不再導致災難性的 FRV 爆炸。
• FRV 移動鍵綁定可自定義,接受非 QWERTY 鍵盤輸入。
• 修正了一個錯誤(蟲),一些敵人(例如蟲族的阿爾法指揮官)在被 FRV 撞擊時被擊飛得比預期更遠。
- Helldiver
Fixed an issue where player ragdolling into the FRV would cause the vehicle to be yeeted into space
Fixed an issue preventing Helldivers from climbing and vaulting over civilian cars
Helldivers should no longer slide around on the ground after ragdolling from a blast (despite it being the year of the snake)
Fixed an issue where ragdolling into shallow water caused a stuck prone gliding animation
Fixed an issue where the Helldiver was not playing the sample pick up animations
- 絕地戰兵
• 修復了玩家摔倒進入 FRV 會導致車輛被拋到太空。
• 修復了一個阻止戰兵爬上和跳過平民車輛的問題。
• 絕地戰兵在爆炸後摔倒在地時不應再在地面上滑動(儘管現在是蛇年)。
• 修復了摔倒在淺水中導致卡在臥倒滑行動畫中的問題。
• 修復了絕地戰兵沒有播放樣本拾取動畫的問題。
- Enemies
Fixed a small visual bug with the Stalker’s tongue (you don’t want to know what it took to fix it)
Fixed an issue where enemies wouldn’t react to missed shots from projectiles or melee attacks near them
- 敵方單位
• 修復了跟蹤蟲舌頭的一個小視覺錯誤(你不會想知道修復它花了多長時間)。
• 修復敵人不會對附近的投射物或未命中的近戰攻擊出反應。
- Miscellaneous Fixes
Fixed an issue where clients would trigger the wrong audio when waiting for the host to join the loadout
Fixed an issue of Helldivers exiting the hellpod right after readying up and before transitioning to the loading screen
Fixed an issue of civilians being blocked from finding the shuttle door during Emergency Evacuation missions
Purple question marks should be encountered less frequently during Illuminate missions on Sandy and Arctic planets
Fixed the floating head syndrome affecting Helldivers donning the AC-2 Obedient armor while using certain helmets
Fixed a bug that was introduced in December where weapons with lower armor penetration than the target’s armor incorrectly dealt one (1) damage rather than zero (0), resulting in misleading visual feedback and negligible extra damage to enemies and Helldivers alike
Enemies will now start sinking into the ground when killed near terminals or the extraction point, preventing players from being physically blocked
- 其他修正
• 修復客戶端在等待主機加入配置時會觸發錯誤的音訊。
• 修復戰兵在準備好後、在過渡到載入畫面之前立即離開絕地艙的問題。
• 修復平民在撤離任務期間無法找到撤離門的問題。
• 在沙地和極地星球上的 光能者任務中,紫色問號應該會減少出現。
• 修復戰兵穿著 「AC-2 服從」裝甲時,穿戴某些頭盔時出現的頭部漂浮綜合症。
• 修復 12 月更新後的一個錯誤,即裝甲穿透力低於目標裝甲的武器,會錯誤地造成一 (1) 點傷害而• 不是零 (0) 點傷害,導致誤導性的視覺反饋以及對敵人和絕地戰兵造成微不足道的額外傷害。
• 敵方單位現在會在終端機或撤離點附近被殺死時,會開始沉入地下,防止玩家被物理阻擋。
Known Issues 已知問題
- Top Priority:
Black box mission terminal may be unusable if it spawns clipped into the ground
Stratagem balls bounce unpredictably off cliffs and some spots
Balancing and functionality adjustments for DSS
Pathfinding issues in Evacuate Colonists Illuminate missions
Dolby Atmos does not work on PS5
- 優先問題:
• 如果在黑盒子任務中,終端機生成時與地面重疊,則可能無法使用。
• 戰略配備球在懸崖和某些地點彈跳不定。
• DSS 的平衡和功能調整。
• 在光能者的撤離殖民者任務中的尋路問題。
• 杜比全景聲在 PS5 上無法運作。
- Medium Priority:
Players can get stuck on Pelican-1’s ramp during extraction
Explosives can cause Helldivers hidden behind terrain to ragdoll
Currently equipped capes don't display properly and show a blank grey cape in Armory tab
Players who use the “This is Democracy” emote on their ship might unintentionally send their fellow Helldivers on unauthorized unscheduled spacewalks
AX/TX-13 “Guard Dog” Dog Breath does not show when it is out of ammo
The Barrager Tanks turret has armor 0 and no weak spots
Higher zoom functions do not zoom the camera in through the scope on the LAS-5 Scythe
Weapons with a Charge-up mechanic can exhibit unintended behavior when firing faster than the RPM (Rounds Per Minute) limit
- 次優先問題:
• 玩家可能會在撤離期間卡在鵜鶘號的斜坡上。
• 爆炸可能會導致隱藏在地形後面的戰兵摔倒。
• 目前裝備的披風無法正確顯示,並在軍械庫標籤中顯示空白的灰色披風。
• 在傳箭上使用「民主駕到」表情動作的玩家,可能會不小心將他們的戰兵同伴送上未經授權的太空中行走。
• AX/TX-13「護衛犬」腐氣,在彈藥耗盡時不會顯示。
• 火箭彈幕坦克的砲塔裝甲等級為 0,沒有弱點。
• LAS-5 長柄鐮上的瞄準鏡功能,無法透過放大鏡頭獲得更高的變焦。
• 具有充能機制的武器在以高於 RPM(每分鐘發射數)限制的速度射擊時,可能會出現意外行為。
This has been the latest from Super Earth
Release Captain Carlberg out
Carlberg 發佈艦長敬上!