We go to yet another Olympic Spotlight to observe some of the strongest play the online world has to offer. Yoro is a Taiwanese Adon player, which we imagine to be a very difficult title to sport, who plays on a regular practice regimen of three days per week, three hours per day.
He actually boasts a win against AVM|Gamerbee at the Capcom 25th Anniversary Tournament in Taiwan, but still looks up to the world's best Adon wholeheartedly.
Watch as Yoro goes toe to toe with players like Bonchan and Kazunoko, clinching victories and continuing to develop a name for himself. You can hit the jump below to see the Spotlight.
SPOTLIGHT:SF4: Yoro (Adon) With EXCLUSIVE interview [TrueHD]
Yoro老師 打贏名人剪輯影片